Sovereign By Design (SBD) | A Private Member Organization

Upon signing up, you will receive access to foundational courses where you will learn:

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1. Foundational Knowledge

Deepen your innerstanding of the system in which we exist in and start taking steps towards real freedom

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2. Common Law vs Admiralty Law (law of the sea)

What is the difference? And why is it crucial to your well being?

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3. Your First Freedom Steps

We help you learn the exact steps to reorganize your Legal Name and redefine your relationship with the world around you including your government

Join now, where you will gain access to free knowledge on how to:

  • Learn to navigate the system we are in as the creditor and not the debtor

  • Learn how the “real” law works, and how it benefits you ALWAYS!

  • Operate your life in both the public and private WITHOUT interference or coercion

You have all the power, you likely just don’t know how to access it. Come Join our Community and get Educated, Protected, and Liberated!

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Courses for Self-Governance

Continue your learning with our in-depth advanced courses. Available to members via honorarium only:

Foundational Knowledge for everyone

Engage this complimentary education so that you can start to innerstand the real system we live in rather than the one you think we live in

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Private Membership Associations

Unlock your path to sovereignty by learning the inner workings of PMAs (Private Membership Associations), UAs (Unincorporated Associations), and…

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Private Trusts

Are you a professional, land owner, or parent? Learn to protect your assets including your children with the power of private trusts. This course..

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Land Protection

Our programs help you protect your property and open your eyes to the hidden complexities of land ownership. These programs assist you to navigate……

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Debt Discharge

Learn about Equity and how you carry all the value required to discharge debt!

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Everything is about contracts in this world of commerce. Empower yourself, your family and your community by learning how to navigate the Sea of…

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What Our Members Are Saying

“This course is by far the most valuable, seriously, we have done a lot of research, followed a lot of so-called “gurus” we paid out a lot of money, time and nothing … absolutely nothing compares to this course. Amazing the amount of time, content, visuals, audio, diagrams etc have been put together,

T&P, British Columbia

“This is the course I have been searching for, I already had a Private (unregistered) Trust and Foundation from elsewhere, but they didn’t come with any education. This course is very comprehensive and provides great instructional videos (step by step) on how to create your own Private Trust

Aaron from Australia

“Can we replace this testimonial front and centre from Canada with this one instead so we have representation from the three countries we support at this time. Here is testimony to use here: The PMA Structuring and Banking Solutions 10 week program is a deep dive into taking care of your privacy your family”

Amy – USA



Teri and Peter




Begin Your path To self Governance Now

In this free beginner’s series you will learn:

  • How to protect YOUR property, rights, and interests in different jurisdictions.

  • The differences between Common Law (Lawful) and Statutory Law (Legal)

  • The steps to reorganizing your Legal Name (Make a Claim to your Property)

And much more!