Liability Notice for Home and Retail Outlet
* Notice to agent/principal *
As an agent for the Government of Canada et al, you are fully liable for your participation.
No waiver of liability for your actions is granted by me or my heirs, agents, successors.
Pursuant to [cf] Criminal Code - R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46 (Section 2) you are the trustee (trustees pay) by statutory device and liable for settlement of debt-related matters …………

The terms and conditions stated on this notice come from years of study and comprehension of who one is in relation to the 'system and government'. The exercising of your authority comes with responsibility to not abuse your authority to harm others. It’s the written and unwritten rule to live consciously as a guardian of truth, honesty, respect, dignity, balance, integrity and equitable justice. Use this notice and site with caution as it’s the USERS liability and responsibility to understand what each word means in the context it is given. This is not a license to act irresponsibly, misbehave or do harm to others. You are still required to act consciously, peacefully and responsibly in accordance with natural law to respect others, honor others beliefs and values intentionally within the natural harmonic resonance of a higher state of being. Strive for the high road: it creates beauty and opens up wonders unimaginable. The low road is easy to take: it leaves chaos and destruction to life in a world already in distress.
Life is full of experiences where we take risks, push boundaries and test our mettle to the limits of our own thinking. We are dynamic beings in a world of push pull chaos, which needs order and good governance to thrive in a balanced state. Stay centered, focused and positive, remembering that those making claims against you at this time are being made to do a job, which THEY have a responsibility to stay conscious of your rights and their limits. By using the documents on this website or in any manner, you agree to the DO NO HARM requirements of living a respectful, responsible, self-governed, conscious life.